Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

How to wind down and restore your energy over Christmas

Focused Mind coaching is all about allowing yourself to be in the best state of mind for performance and life, however, in 2020, our...
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The Focused Mind Podcast – Ed Caesar

A week after the launch of ’The Moth and the Mountain’, I’m re-visiting an interview from 18 months ago recorded with Ed Caesar about...
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Runner’s World

In the lead-up to London, I explored the mental preparation required for optimum race performance. My friend and clubmate, performance psychologist Stuart Holliday, recommended...
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Daily Telegraph

While the research confirms the link between endorphins and runner's high, it also shows that athletes experience the high in different ways. Some feel...
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Breathe Magazine

Performance coach and psychologist Stuart Holliday nods when he hears that cycling acolytes reach for words like meditative when describing what it it is...
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Breathe Magazine

Keep on running by Jim Butler (2017) Ask a random selection of friends and acquaintances why they run and the replies are both instructive...
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Breathe Magazine

On Swimming – by Jim Butler (2017) Listen to people evangelise about swimming and you could – could – be forgiven for thinking they...
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